Safety Guidelines

Please help us ensure a safe & fun drive-in experience by following these guidelines:

Follow Parking Attendants

Follow instructions when pulling in and out of the parking lot. Once your vehicle is parked, please do not move your vehicle till the end of the movie.

Turn Off Headlights

After pulling into your designated parking spot, turn off all car lights (exterior & interior) before the movie begins.

Do Not Sit On Your Car Roof

It can block the view for the cars behind you. Please sit either within your vehicle (trunks & truck beds permitted) or in a chair within arm distance of your vehicle. 

Find Restrooms

In the back of the parking lot.

Avoid Phone Calls or Loud Conversations

Once the movie has started, please observe the same etiquette as an indoor movie theater. 

Do Not Litter

Trash can are available at the end of each row. 

Follow All State Mandated COVID-19 Regulations

This includes social distancing and keeping a minimum of 6 feet between other groups of people when outside of your vehicle. 

Masks Are Mandatory

If you are outside your vehicle visiting the food trucks or restrooms, masks are required to be worn covering both your mouth and nose.